It would be great to see more people with disabilities being hired in “permanent” positions so that they can have more stability to create a life and future.
I know that there is no such thing as a permanent job anymore, but I would love to live in a bit of bliss and reprieve of knowing that I have something that lasts for more than a year. I have had several short-term jobs and contracts (as well as long periods of unemployment). Others would call some of these jobs” foot in the door” positions, but more often than not, my foot remains lodged there. Besides, “the foot” line does not seem to make sense when one decade rolls into the next, and I am still living like this.
Temporary positions have enhanced my flexibility, knowledge, and skill set, but they are very emotionally draining because of constantly having to re-establish myself. Apart from the fatigue of always having to adapt to a new situation and living with instability, just when I am getting to know my coworkers and feeling part of the group, my job ends and I feel torn apart from people I love to work with. My last position like this ended with almost everyone in tears. Part of enjoying work and life is the social connection you have with others at work. When the position ends, often that social connection ends too, so there is a double loss.
Again, I am looking for permanent and temporary opportunities. Temporary positions give me income, (perhaps) the opportunity for now, and the chance to develop other streams of income if time, energy, opportunity, and resources permit, but they postpone and perhaps eliminate the opportunity for me to pursue my other dreams and participate in other aspects of life. For example, for every maternity leave posting I apply to, I ask myself will I ever have the choice to have children and the opportunity to go on maternity leave too.