The Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities

And Your Point Is???

“I once hired a person with a disability. It didn’t work out.” Said by an unenlightened employer
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If You Can Read My Mind

A person with a disability chose a career to become an icon to people without disabilities, as he felt no one was hiring him for what he wanted to do because of discrimination, and he needed to support himself. He was paid to re-enforce the disability stereotypes of being heroic, triu
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I Have a Dream

It would be great to see more people with disabilities being hired in “permanent” positions so that they can have more stability to create a life and future. I know that there is no such thing as a permanent job anymore, but I would love to live in a bit of bliss and repri
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What Not to Say to a Person with a Disability

I work with someone with a disability who is a champion extreme sports athlete and competes around the world. (and as such) He is so driven and inspirational. Why can’t you be like him?” Many people with disabilities have been at the receiving end of hearing similar insens
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Stuck Sitting on the Bench

I can take what life throws at me, but it would help if someone pitches me a ball first.” From a professional with a disability talking about the lack of employment opportunities and prospects who are willing to give her the opportunity to show her competencies
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